Friday, August 17, 2012

Obama Bribes States With $470M To Help Him Violate The Constitution... So He Can Get Re-Elected?

Barack Obama addressing a joint session of Con...

Obama Bribes States With $470M To Help Him Violate The Constitution... So He Can Get Re-Elected?

CBSNEWS.COM reports:
"...The Obama administration is making nearly half a billion dollars in unspent highway funds available to states that promise to use the money to create jobs and improve transportation..."
According to the report, in a ploy to to:
"...sidestep Congress with programs which Obama says will create jobs. Obama has adopted the slogan 'We Can't Wait' to contrast his efforts with congressional Republicans, who have balked at many of his plans...The highway money originally was allocated from 2003 to 2006..."

Taxpayers' monies, allocated, but unspent, saved up for an election year to bribe states to help him look good to voters: Is this not tantamount to using tax payer money to campaign?  (CBSNewsOnline) Read More HERE ... 

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