Friday, August 17, 2012

Biden Buddy Gets $20M Taxpayer Loan To Build Car Dealership In Ukraine

Joe Biden und Barack Obama in Springfield, Ill...

"...Since at least 1999, Hynansky and his family have been regular donors to Biden’s campaigns, and, later, Obama’s. John Hynansky has donated 7,690 to a combination of Biden’s Senate campaigns and failed presidential campaign; Michael Hynansky donated $7,690; Alexandra Hynansky donated $7,280; Deanne Hynansky donated $4,645; and Susan Hynansky donated $1,000 — coming to a total family donation of $28,715...During Obama’s 2008 run for president, John Hynansky gave $30,800 to the Obama Victory Fund; Alexandra Hynansky gave $2,550; and Deanne Hynansky gave $2,000 — totaling 35,350 to that campaign..."  (Christopher Bedford / The Daily Caller)  Read More HERE ... 

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