Monday, August 27, 2012

Teach/Coach This Man on "On Air" Debates

English: Reince Priebus at the Republican Lead...

Somebody please teach/coach Chairman of the Republican National Committee how to debate "on the air."  He should at least know that more often than not, what registers in viewers' minds (or their lack of it) is "attack mode," which doesn't have to be done angrily, by the way.  Another item is that, when one is being badgered (as Chris Matthews is doing in this video, and is a favorite tactic of his), one can respond by simply talking (on T.V. and Radio) at the same time as the attacker does. The result is the audience hears only alot of jibberish, and no discernible voice can be heard.  It helps to know, also, Socialist/Liberal (SLIME) talking points.  Whenever the opportunity presents itself they will attack with the race card, especially if they sense you think it's a "sensitive" issue.  The other point is re-directing, which Reince Priebus attempted to do, but was constantly interrupted.  In order to re-direct, you must be forceful, and that takes practice.  The problem is not that Reince Priebus is a bad RNC Chairman or some other baloney, it is simply that his communications skills are exceptional, and that they offer the other person a chance to respond.  He respects the others' communication enough to acknowledge, understand, and then respond.  However, in a political debate and in PR, especially on Television or Radio, one sets aside the communications skills, and turns on "debate mode," and that mode in this case, is GET YOUR MESSAGE OUT, and do not let your opponent GET HIS MESSAGE OUT.  This does not necessarily mean, squash the opponent.  As an example of this (and I am not promoting these as pillars of society, so just don't go there) listen to Newt Gingrich or John Sununu.  Watch the VIDEO HERE....
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