Friday, August 3, 2012

"Operation Fast and Furious: The Buck Stops…Well…Somewhere Else"

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 08:  U.S. Attorney G...
Attorney General Eric Holder

"...high-level officials within DOJ and ATF—who should have known better and who had plenty of notice amid a sea of red flags about what was actually going on—talked about an “exit strategy” but ultimately chose to do nothing to implement one. In short, they were asleep at the switch and permitted this reckless and feckless operation to continue for months on end.
Then, when things went horribly wrong and U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was killed (as opposed to the scores of Mexicans who had already been killed with Fast and Furious guns, which did not seem to arouse sufficient concern), the implicated individuals decided to circle the wagons, and a cover-up began that persists to this day to prevent the disclosure of clearly embarrassing, and possibly criminal, information..." (John G. Malcom: The Foundry)  Read More HERE ...

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