Saturday, August 4, 2012

Media "Kneecaps" Mitt Romney

speaking in Phoenix, Arizona on February 26, 2011.
Media Research Center's Brent Bozell
"...The Media Research Center has released a new analysis of the 21 ABC, CBS and NBC evening news stories about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's trip to London, Israel and Poland between July 25 and July 31. The report’s findings are absolutely staggering. 18 of the 21 stories emphasized Romney’s perceived gaffes. That’s 86 percent!...It’s impossible to look at the fawning coverage of Obama’s trip in 2008 compared to the sliming Romney has taken in 2012 and not see a clear agenda on the part of the liberal media....There is no low to which they won’t sink to damage Mitt Romney in order to help Obama win re-election, even if it means shouting questions about gaffes at him during a visit to Poland’s Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It’s absolutely despicable..."  (Brent Bozell / The Media Research Center)  Read More HERE ... See VIDEO Here ...
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